School holidays workshops wrap

09 August, 2023

            School holidays workshops wrap

In the market off-season we’ve been busy launching a new project – school holiday sewing workshops! In July we were thrilled to see the kids so engaged and keen to learn stitching techniques and make things with their hands.

We kicked things off with an introduction to stitching with the talented book illustrator, Karen Erasmus, and the kids loved it so much they didn’t want to take a snack break!

After some practice it was on to the real deal, and the kids cut out and stitched together gorgeous Red Pandas, Orangutans, Polar Bears and Rhinoceros.

Next up was our denim embellishment workshop. Here the kids could bring in their own denim item that needed some TLC, or choose from secondhand items we had on hand.

Once again they were so engaged in their stitching, it was a joy to see!

I was so impressed with their levels of focus, planning, fine motor skills and creativity. And it was a joy to see them enter their ‘flow’ states, as sewing has a habit of doing, and the smiles and pride at their creations.

We’re planning more workshops in the September school holidays so stay tuned for more info!