Helping your clothes last the distance

29 November, 2023

            Helping your clothes last the distance

The great thing about being more sustainable and looking after our clothes is that it doesn’t have to equal spending more money, or take up more time than we have. There are some really easy switches we can all do that will in fact save you money, and time!

  1. Get Dirty
    Washing our clothes wears them out faster. Sometimes they just need an air. As Magic Dirt said, those jeans can last three months or more. 

  2. Wash in cold
    Sure, you might want to scorch your socks and jocks, but most clothing responds better to cold washing. Not only is it less harsh on garments, hot water fixes protein stains like blood and dairy to the cloth.

  3. Air dry
    Not only will it save you money, air drying outside on the clothesline or inside on a good old clotheshorse is better for your clothes. 

  4. Be Swift like Taylor!
    Treat stains as soon as possible. Dinner down the t-shirt? Whip it off, wet the area, rub with something like Sard Wonder Soap Bar. Let is rest while you finish dinner, then rinse while someone else rinses the dishes!

  5. Buy less
    Ever noticed how when you go shopping you feel like you need to buy more clothes? But if you don’t visit you don’t? Avoid the shops and you’ll avoid that feeling that your wardrobe is lacking. Garments use a lot of water and energy in their production; the less we purchase the less finite resources are used, and the less landfill we produce.

  6. Buy second hand
    Nothing like hunting for treasure at the Op-Shop! You can also shop second hand online.

  7. Buy well
    Think quality over quantity. When you’re looking at an item, check how it has been made. Does it look like quality stitching and fabric? Or does it look like it will only last a few washes? The longer we keep our clothes in rotation the better for the planet.

  8. Use natural detergents with eucalyptus (such as Bosistos, ecostore, Martha Gardner) which are gentler on your clothes. Also avoid OBAs (optical brightening agents) or bleach as these can cause your fabrics to fade.

  9. Mend your clothes
    There are lots of tutorials online showing you how to mend common items, a quick Google and give it a go!