Top Op Shopping Tips for beginners

19 October, 2023

            Top Op Shopping Tips for beginners

It’s no secret that we love second hand; our whole business is built around a desire to help make fashion more sustainable. But it’s not the only reason we love second hand. There’s so much more to it; it’s the treasure hunt, finding something unique, something that suits just your style, the history and stories behind things, and, of course, the bargains.

If you’re not yet a second hand pro, but you’re keen to give it a go, here are our top tips for starting out.

Start easy
Jumping straight into clothing can feel a bit overwhelming, so start out easy and head to something like the book section. It’s just like the library only you get to keep the book once it’s read! Maybe you’ve got a holiday coming up and you’re after an easy romance or mystery or you’re keen to get some new gardening ideas. Many of the large chain op shops have their books sorted into categories so books provide little thought, effort, risk or financial outlay.

Start small
You don’t need to splash out on a funky designer item. Start small. Need a new notebook? We always spot loads of these brand new in the stationery section, alongside address books, diaries and thank you cards.

Dishwashers sterilise everything
Worried about where its been? Start with something you can throw straight in the dishwasher such as the funny joke mug, a salad bowl or a cute milk jug.

Kids’ clothing
Kids’ clothes are another easy pick. You know exactly what size to get, there’s no need to try it on, and because kids grow so quickly items are often near new. There’s nothing like seeing your child’s face light up when you return home brandishing a t-shirt with their favourite animal or TV character on it! The tricky bit is them needing to wait for it to go through the washing cycle before wearing it.

So, what are you waiting for? Get out there and give it a crack, you never know what you might find, and we reckon you’ll be hooked like us in no time!