Loving our Cactus chats

23 March, 2023

            Loving our Cactus chats

In my last blog piece I wrote about how much I loved the mild days of Autumn, however Saturday’s market wasn’t exactly mild!

It wasn’t as hot as predicted at Emu Plains, but the north wind was pretty wild by 2pm. The easel holding my sign at the front of the stall blew over literally minutes before I started packing up - it was a ‘sign’ it was closing time!

It’s always so great chatting with customers and market goers who love the idea of mending and upcycling clothing, saving it from landfill. People have been so positive and supportive, and it gives me a huge boost each time. It backs up the research that people do want to support businesses and brands that are actively working to be more sustainable in their practices.

It was also great to chat to people who were keen to donate clothes for repair and resale. If you have kids’ items hanging about the house that need repairing but you just don’t have the time or resources to get to them (don’t we all?!) and don’t want them to go to waste, drop us an email! We love good quality garments that still have plenty of wear left in them and just need a bit of TLC.

A big thanks to everyone who dropped in for a look, chat and purchase on Saturday. We’re looking forward to seeing more of you next month, Saturday 15th April, at Emu Plains!

Kate 🌵