Happy New Year

01 February, 2023

            Happy New Year

Happy New Year!

What a year. Chatting with friends and strangers alike over the Christmas and New Year period it sounded like 2022 was a big and tiring year for just about everyone. I hope you managed to enjoy some rest and relaxation over the last few weeks. My son went back to school today so I now have the time to write this!

We had a great two weeks away camping with friends. When you’re camping, I love that your days revolve around three square meals a day with swimming, reading, exploring and relaxing in between. I also love that it’s all about embracing dirt (this is a whole other blog post!)

Of course, this means that when you arrive home there is a pile of washing to do. It takes a week to catch up! One item that needed some extra care this trip was my son’s tracksuit pants, which had a fair bit of bike grease on them. After I got over the fact that this was going to take some extra time to clean, I reached for my Bosistos Eucalypus Oil (this is NOT a sponsored post!)

Growing up, my Mum would always have this oil in the laundry cupboard, and whenever something had a mark that wouldn’t lift, she would say, “I’ll try it with the eucalyptus oil” and of course the next day my top / shorts / dress, or whatever item of clothing that was stained, would be ready to wear again. Like magic!

So, I applied the oil to the trackpants and gently rubbed the fabric together to agitate the spots. I then popped them in the wash, and I was thrilled to find perfectly clean trackpants at the end of the cycle!

I find pre-treating / spot cleaning items so tedious. I never want to do it. So often though it is worth the extra 15 minutes to keep clothing wearable. Plus, there is always the satisfaction of defeating a stain! I’d love to hear any of your best stain removal tips – email them our way.

Once the washing was basically in order it was back to mending ahead of our first twilight market at Emu Plainsin Balnarring on Saturday 21st January. The atmosphere was incredible and we appreciated meeting new customers and having engaging conversations with so many likeminded people. Thanks for your ongoing support as we build our business!

Kate 🌵